Grants to support MSME or PO in Implementing a Strategy and/or an Action Plan

Grants to support MSME or PO in Implementing a Strategy and/or an Action Plan

 Deadline Date: November 27, 2023

Proposals are now being accepted for the implementation of a strategy and/or an action plan to be more sustainable and more respectful of decent income and decent work.

The general objective of this call for proposals is to contribute to making the first links in the production chain more sustainable.

The Trade for Development Centre (TDC) is a programme of Enabel. The TDC aims to promote sustainable production and responsible consumption. It accomplishes this by strengthening production and consumption chains so that they become more sustainable (diversified, climate-smart), more inclusive and more respectful of human rights. In Africa, the TDC strengthens Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises or Producers’ Organisations, through a coaching programme and/or financial support. This Call for Proposals concerns financial support (grants).

Funding Information
  • The total indicative amount available under this Call for Proposals is 900.000 EUR.
  • The contracting authority reserves the right not to award all of the available funds. Grant amount Any grant application under this Call for Proposals must fall between the following minimum and maximum amounts:
    • Minimum amount: 50.000 EUR
    • Maximum amount: 90.000 EUR
  • Duration: The subsidised action must end by 30 September 2027 at the latest
Types of Activity
  • Support towards decent work
  • Strengthening the position of producers' organisations towards primary buyers
  • Promoting climate-smart agriculture
  • Diversification of production, for own consumption or sale on markets, including local markets
  • Traceability and transparency
  • To be admissible for grants, the applicant must satisfy the following conditions:
    • This call for proposals is only open to micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) which do not exceed the definition of a medium-sized enterprise, or to producer’s organisations.
    • which do not have as primary objective the maximisation of benefits. As matter of example, cooperatives, associations, foundations and mutual societies meet this objective. In this category, enterprises which meet the following characteristics will be considered:
      • They aim to achieve a specific social added value:
        • Sustainable development through environmentally friendly production processes and products and integrated environmental protection.
        • The priority given to labour over capital in the distribution of revenues. Revenue is not an objective in itself, but a means to achieve social objectives.
        • Democratic decision-making: the people involved have a say in company policy.
        • Maximum transparency, including in the areas of general company policy, finance and internal and external relations.
    • They provide goods and services for which there are customers and needs, both current and future. Emphasis is placed on continuity, cost-effectiveness and efficient use of resources.
    • having a legal status since at least 2 years.
    • growing, collecting, processing and/or trading cocoa, coffee, or cashew nuts.
    • located in one of the following countries:
      • for the sectors cocoa, coffee, or cashew nut: Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo, Guinea, Mali, Mozambique, Rwanda, Senegal, Tanzania and Uganda.
      • for the cocoa sector: Côte d'Ivoire and Ghana
      • for the coffee sector: Ethiopia and Kenya
    • to dispose of certified accounts of the 2 preceding years: please provide the accounts for 2021 and 2022.
    • be directly responsible for the preparation and management of the action for which the grant is requested (not acting as an intermediary).

For more information, visit Enabel.

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