IMPACT Program to educate Youth about Road Safety

The Antoine Alléno Association is inviting applications from any startup capable of providing any form of solution that either avoids an accident, limits the impact of a collision or encourages more responsible driving behaviour.

AU-EU Youth Lab’s Entrepreneurship Grants Program

Is your organisation or (social) enterprise passionate about young people taking control of their own future? If yes, then apply for the AU-EU Youth Lab’s Entrepreneurship Grants Program.

NOFO: Countering Wildlife Trafficking in Kenya and Tanzania

The Bureau of International Narcotics-Law Enforcement is seeking applications to strengthen Kenya and Tanzania’s domestic criminal justice institutions and regional coordination by supporting successful enforcement, investigative, and prosecutorial functions for wildlife crime.

Pulitzer Center launches Civil Society Micro-Grant Program 2025

The Pulitzer Center has launched the Civil Society Micro-Grant Program to support civil society organizations and groups to utilize Pulitzer Center reporting to contribute to a more informed and empowered community, inspiring action on climate change, rainforests, ocean, transparency and governance.

Call for Proposals: Green Transition Projects

The Interreg NEXT MED Program is pleased to announce the official launch of the Call for Green Transition Projects, providing €83.7 million in European Union's funding to address climate challenges across the Mediterranean region.