All Business Africa Open Investors Database
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Name | Company | Investor Type | Stage Focus | Invested Companies | Evaluation Focus | Extra Information | Investment Type | Invested in Africa? | Investment Level | Regional Focus | Location | Min Cheque | Max Cheque | Contact Information | Website | Contact Name | Email address |
Justin Stanford | 4Di Group | VC Fund | Technology Proof | Aerobotics, LifeQ, Zoona | FinTech, InsurTech and HealthTech | VC Fund | Yes | High | South Africa | Cape Town | | Justin Stanford, Justin Stanford | |||||
4Dx Ventures | 4Dx Ventures | VC Fund | Prototype | MaxAB, Sokowatch | Sector Agnostic | VC Fund | Yes | High | America | Brooklyn | | ||||||
Bedy Yang | 500 Startups | VC Fund | Sector Agnostic | Aella credit, Crowd force, Dropifi | VC Fund | Yes | Medium | Global | San Francisco | | Bedy Yang, Bedy Yang | ||||||
Accion Labs | Accion Labs | VC Fund | Prototype | Lidya, LulaLend, Apollo, Kopo Kopo, Umati Capital | Fintech | VC Fund | Yes | High | Pan-Africa (mostly Kenya, Nigeria, and South Africa) | Lagos, Nigeria and Accra, Ghana | $500,000 | | |||||
Ernst Herzog | Action Hero Ventures | Pre Seed Fund | Initial Customers / Traction | South Africa / Cape Town based companies, Revenue generating | Ernst Herzog, Ernst Herzog | ||||||||||||
Lexi Novitske | Acuity | VC Fund | Flutterwave, Paystack, Mines, mPharma, Smile Identity, Indicina, Mono, Send, lemonade Finance, OnePipe | Great team! | Sector Agnostic | VC Fund | Yes | High | Africa | | Lexi Novitske, Lexi Novitske | ||||||
Ayodeji Adewunmi | Angel Investor | Ayodeji Adewunmi, Ayodeji Adewunmi |