Open call for EUROSATORY Start-ups Challenge 2024

Open call for EUROSATORY Start-ups Challenge 2024

 Deadline Date: November 10, 2023

The EUROSATORY Start-ups Challenge, world’s leading Defence, Security, and Civil Protection exhibition is calling for start-ups with innovative products, services or expertise.

Propose your solutions with the potential to be used in the face of complex crises, from high-intensity conflicts to humanitarian and environmental disasters.

Earn the opportunity to exhibit your solution during the Eurosatory 2024 exhibition in Paris!

  • Engineering, Design, and Materials
    • Sub-Assemblies for Ground, Air, and Maritime
    • Services
    • Simulation - Training
    • Research, Design, Manufacturing – Materials
  • Human Support and Protection
    • Ground, Air, and Maritime Vehicles - Aircraft and Boats
    • Sub-Assemblies for Ground, Air, and Maritime Vehicles
    • Information and Communication Systems
    • Simulation - Training
    • Operational Logistics and Support for Camps/Infrastructures
    • Services
    • Health and Emergencies
    • Personnel Equipment
    • Terrain Preparation and Arrangement - Demining
  • Armament and Reduced Lethality
    • Sub-Assemblies for Ground, Air, and Maritime Vehicles
    • Services
    • Weapons and Ammunition
    • Simulation - Training
    • Detection, Localization, Acquisition, and Deception
  • Infrastructure Protection
    • Infrastructure Protection Information and Communication Systems
    • Detection, Localization, Acquisition, and Deception
    • Operational Logistics and Support for Camps/Infrastructures
    • Services
    • Terrain Preparation and Arrangement - Demining
  • Protection of the Environment and Natural Disasters
    • Information and Communication Systems
    • Detection, Localization, Acquisition, and Deception
    • Health Support and Emergencies
    • Services
  • Operations Command (Crises & Conflicts)
    • Anticipation
    • Identification
    • Decision Support
    • Situation Monitoring
    • After-Action Evaluation
    • Protection - Communication Integrity
    • Interoperability of Communication Channels and Data
  • Grand Prize includes:
    • A stand in the 2024 Eurosatory Lab
    • Article in the daily
    • 1 podcast
    • Communication on social networks (Linkedin post)
    • 2 tickets to the Business Cocktail
    • Award ceremony on Monday 13rd at the Eurosatory Lab (by one/two members of the jury)
    • Eurosatory goodies
    • The Grand Prize is valued at 5,000€.
  • Second Place Prize includes:
    • Inscription to BtoB Business meetings of Eurosatory
    • 2 tickets for the Business Cocktail
    • Communication on social networks (Linkedin post)
    • Eurosatory goodies
    • The Second Place Prize is valued at 2,500€.
  • Third Place Prize includes:
    • Inscription to BtoB Business meetings of Eurosatory
    • Communication on social networks (Linkedin post)
    • Eurosatory goodies
    • The Third Place Prize is valued at 2,000€.
EUROSATORY 2024 Exhibition
  • 17 - 21 June 2024
  • Get access to markets and international players in the fields of Defence, Civil Protection, National and Private Security.
  • The Eurosatory exhibiton represents:
    • 1,750+ exhibitors
    • 62,000+ professionals visitors
    • 150 countries
    • 560 journalists
    • 250 official delegations
    • 81,000 m2 of exhibition
  • The final will be held virtually between January and February 2024. The top 5 finalists will have a unique opportunity to pitch in front of the key decision makers of Eurosatory.
  • Participation in the Challenge must be as a Startup.
  • This Challenge is open and offered solely to:
    • A business entity, regardless of its business area. Startups may be required, in Sponsor’s sole discretion, to provide proof of
      • company registration by submitting a registration certificate issued within the last three (3) months, or ongoing company registration, or any trade registry and proof ensuring the registration of the entity in the relevant country, and
      • a valid professional insurance policy subscription.
  • This Challenge is not open to: employees and representatives of the Sponsor and Agorize and the members of their families.
  • This Challenge is void in countries where it is prohibited or restricted by law.

For more information, visit Eurosatory.

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