Dinapsis Open Challenge - Costa Blanca (3rd Edition)

Dinapsis Open Challenge - Costa Blanca (3rd Edition)

Dinapsis is looking for startups that provide solutions to the sustainable management of green infrastructure and sustainable tourism in Alicante.

DINAPSIS Open Challenge  is an open innovation program that seeks to connect entrepreneurs and start-ups with the territory's innovation ecosystem, including public administrations, associations and companies, both large and small.

This third edition will take place at Dinapsis Costa Blanca with the aim of strengthening the innovation ecosystem in the Benidorm and Alicante area. 

The main objective of the DOC challenge is to find start-ups that propose solutions for the sustainable management of green infrastructure and improve urban resilience to climate change, as well as the management of tourist flows and the application of NBS Nature Based Solutions, which allow them to mitigate the impacts of climate change and help municipalities in their ecological transition.

What are they looking for?
  • The Dinapsis Open Challenge is divided into four lines of work:
    • Challenge 1: Sustainable management of green infrastructures
      • They look for solutions that help sustainably manage green infrastructures:
        • Predictive cleaning and maintenance management
        • Management of green waste from garden pruning
        • Management of algae waste on beaches
        • Mosquito and/or insect pest management
    • Challenge 2: Urban resilience in the face of climate change
      • They look for solutions that help improve urban resilience against climate change and its consequences in cities:
        • heat island
        • Environmental quality of air and water
        • Dissipation and management of runoff water
    • Challenge 3: Management of tourist flows
      • They look for solutions to manage the growing increase in tourism in cities:
        • Capacity control
        • Flow control
        • Mobility studies
    • Challenge 4: NBS Nature Based Solutions
      • They look for solutions for the management and integration of NBS:
        • Tracking platforms
        • Digitization and management of data and infrastructure
        • Integration with other applications
What can you win?
  • Visibility of the solution among the technical and business managers of the Dinapsis innovation and entrepreneurship community.
  • Possibility of carrying out a proof of concept or pilot with one of the players in the sector.
  • The TOP5 will present their solution in front of a committee of experts and potential clients, users and representatives of the Public Administration.
  • The participants will hold SGAB harmless at all times against claims from third parties and will be responsible, assuming full responsibility for any costs or charges that may arise in favor of third parties as a result of actions, claims or conflicts derived from noncompliance with the obligations established in the present bases.
  • SGAB is not responsible for possible accidental events that may affect the development of the DOC. In no case will SGAB be responsible for errors in the provision of services of any other person or entity whose participation is necessary for the development of the DOC.
  • SGAB reserves the right to adopt all appropriate measures to avoid any conduct that it suspects may have the purpose or effect of any attempt to act in fraud of this DOC or in breach of its rules or to the detriment of other participants. The first and immediate consequence will be the exclusion of the participant and the loss of all right to the prize that may have been obtained, and without prejudice to any other legal actions that may be appropriate, including the corresponding compensation for damages.
  • Likewise, SGAB reserves the right to exclude participants if they contribute or post material that contains viruses, worms or any other computer code aimed at, or capable of damaging, interfering with, intercepting or violating the security of any system, information or data. This without prejudice to the corresponding legal actions.
Who can participate?
  • Start-ups already established
  • National and international start-ups
  • Proposals that respond to the challenges
  • Proposals that offer a technological solution

For more information, visit DINAPSIS.

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