Food Security and Livelihoods Support to Refugees in Lunda Norte - Angola

Food Security and Livelihoods Support to Refugees in Lunda Norte - Angola

Official Title

Food Security & Livelihoods Support to Refugees in Lunda Norte

Project Background

  • WFP lifesaving interventions: WFP will implement lifesaving interventions to support refugees in meeting their basic food security and nutritional needs. Under the proposed project, WFP will assist 6,500 refugees from DRC who are registered by UNHCR and hosted at Lóvua settlement with 401 MT of commodities over the course of 6 months.

  • Food transfers: The food transfers will include a food basket composed of:

    • Maize meal (337.5 g per person per day)
    • Pulses (45 g)
    • Vegetable oil (18.75 g)
    • Salt (3.75 g).
  • Conditional food transfers for livelihood diversification support: WFP will provide conditional food transfers to support livelihood diversification. This includes assets creation and skills development support to targeted populations. Access to the program is subject to conditions where beneficiaries perform specific public and environmental protection activities, or individual activities that boost food production at the household level. Public activities may include road maintenance, water point cleaning and rehabilitating, and construction activities in the settlement. Environmental activities may include tree planting. Individual work will include agricultural activities either on their own farm, communal farms, or demonstration farms, as well as procurement of certain agricultural inputs, or the targeted person performing actions such as sending their children to school.

  • Participation in asset creation and skill development activities: A total of 250 targeted refugee households (1000 beneficiaries), and 30 households (210 beneficiaries) from the host communities, will participate in the asset creation and skill development activities over the course of two years.

  • Seasonal Livelihood Planning (SLP) and Community Based Participatory Planning (CBPP): Before finalizing the plan for conditional assistance, a SLP and CBPP exercise will be carried out to prepare a list of priorities and aspirations of the refugees and host community. This will include types, design, and dimensions of assets to be created, work norms, and a set of skill improvement training packages and input support required through extensive stakeholder engagement and community consultation.

Expected Results

  • Unconditional food transfers for refugees in Lóvua settlement:

    • Provide unconditional food transfers to 6,500 refugees accommodated in Lóvua settlement.
  • Resilience-building activities for targeted households:

    • The 250 targeted refugee households and 30 host community households can build resilience through engagement in Asset Creation and Livelihoods activities.

Application Deadline: Nov 12, 2023

The above is a summary of the original procurement notice.

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